~ Braintree, MA - Joe Barker Everything went perfect with the pump service.
~ South Hadley, MA - Chief Brady I also wanted to mention how great all of your staff have been. They were helpful, professional and friendly throughout the process. I has been a pleasure working with them. Please pass on my thanks.
~ Billerica, MA - Chief Conway I think everything went well. The convenience and time savings was amazing. I hope that this will become the normal process for our department going forward.
~ Johnston, RI - Chief McLaughlin All went great with pump testing heard no problems or issues.
~ Reading, MA - Chief Burns We were very pleased with the service. When we do pump testing and need to travel to Greenwood it is a big impact to our operations. This was convenient and the technician was outstanding.
~ Pawcatuck, CT - Chief Burns Very pleased with service will will likely get all (7) districts together for next year.